The journey takes an unexpected turn for TJ, Eriika and Vince. Dive into The Changing Earth Series Novels, available now on ! For a special touch, grab your signed copies at . Elevate your experience with exclusive Changing Earth Gear at . J...
TJ continues his trip back to the central region with Erika, while Vince is determined to find his youngest son alive, no matter the odds. Dive into The Changing Earth Series Novels, available now on ! For a special touch, grab your signed copies at . Elevate your ...
Erika faces off with TJ as her family and friends cope with a new reality. Based on The Changing Earth Series Novels, available at . Get your signed copies at . Get your Changing Earth Gear at Become a subscriber and help the Changing Earth ...
The battle for Denver heats up and futures change forever. Based on The Changing Earth Series Novels, available at . Get your signed copies at . Get your Changing Earth Gear at Become a subscriber and help the Changing Earth world go around...
The resistance forces move on Denver and the battle for the West begins. Based on The Changing Earth Series Novels, available at . Get your signed copies at . Get your Changing Earth Gear at Become a subscriber and help the Changing Earth wo...
Unexpected circumstances affect the Denver battle plan and TJ forms a new alliance. Based on The Changing Earth Series Novels, available at . Get your signed copies at . Get your Changing Earth Gear at Become a subscriber and help the Changi...
Erika hangs with new friends and recieves an unexpected surprise as TJ closes in. Virgis readies the forces in Denver. Based on The Changing Earth Series Novels, available at . Get your signed copies at . PIck up your Changing Earth Gear at ...
The Changing Earth Audio Drama continues. Erika recovers from the party while Virgis collects Greg and Penni. TJ's moment of relaxation is destroyed by an unexpected offer from Commander Grey. Based of The Changing Earth Novels. Get the books and Changing Earth gear at https://www.authorsarafhathawa...
Daniel makes a new friend while Erika finds trouble while trying to relax. TJ finally rides Laudner's bike. Support the show! Order your Changing Earth Novels and Merchandise at Discover the performers and musical attributes at https://www.authorsarafhathaway...
As the mass evacuation of the West issues, Erika leaves her friends behind, while Virgis and the Merc command force are given priority, and TJ handles affairs at home. Support the show! Order your Changing Earth Novels and Merchandise at Discover the performe...
TJ finds D'lores amongst his most recent supply of refugees. Erika returns to Vegas while Virgis begins mobilizing the evacuation of the West. Support the show! Order your Changing Earth Novels and Merchandise at Discover the performers and musical attributes...
Erika and Bennet face off while Cole reunites with Cassidy, and TJ receives a strange request. Support the show! Order your Changing Earth Novels and Merchandise at Discover the performers and musical attributes at
The battle to unite the Southwest begins. TJ returns home to drama, eagerly awaiting the capture of Erika Moore. Support the show! Order your Changing Earth Novels and Merchandise at Discover the performers and musical attributes at https://www.authorsarafhat...
Swenson puts plans to catch Erika in his web while Erika faces down the demons of her past. Support the show! Order your Changing Earth Novels and Merchandise at Discover the performers and musical attributes at Be...
TJ returns home empty-handed while storms brew in the South. Support the show! Order your Changing Earth Novels and Merchandise at Discover the performers and musical attributes at Become a subscriber and get one-w...